Indonesia To Build Remote Island Prison Guarded By Crocodiles

How do you stop inmates from escaping prison in Indonesia? Outside of performing cell block searches, employing guards, and installing sturdy security, the best thing to do (apparently) is surround the prison with hungry crocodiles.
If you think about it, it’s probably the best solution you’ll hear all day.
Why? Because unless you’re Steve Irwin, Bear Grylls or Crocodile Dundee the thought of coming face-to-face with one of nature’s most deadliest beasts probably feels with you fear. Meaning that you may think twice before you attempt to break free from your incarcerated confinement.
The word on the street is that a plan has been put forward by Indonesia’s anti-drug agency to build a prison for drug convicts on death row. The catch being that this lockup on a remote island would be guarded by crocs.
The chief of the agency, Budi Waseso, said that he is eager for the plan to go ahead in the hopes that it will prevent drug offenders from controlling the narcotics from behind bars. By separating drug convicts from other prisoners they will be unable to recruit new members into their trafficking rings. He said, “We will keep sending them food supplies every day. But they have to survive on their own.”
Waseso believes that crocodiles are his best bet because, unlike human wardens, the snapping reptiles cannot be bribed. He said, “You can’t bribe crocodiles. You can’t convince them to let inmates escape.” This sounds like some Austin Powers shit, I wonder if he’ll attach some “frickin’ laser beams” to their heads. 
Although the croc prison is said to still be in the infancy stage, Waseso plans to visit various farms in North Sumatra, the Papua province and the island of Sulawesi in order to obtain the most dangerous breeds. Although Indonesia has some of the toughest dug laws in the world, they are about to get a little tougher.
Perhaps Mexico should take note, if they’d had a crocojail then maybe notorious drug lord El Chapo would never have escaped. Or alternatively his tunnel would have opened up in the pit.


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